Well  the American Cancer Society’s annual “Relay For Life” event took place today. Local cancer survivors, Merchants and supporters rallied together to bring awareness and hope to a battle that many suffer from. One way or another the many cancer’s have directly touched our lives. Whether research, education, advocacy, service, or GOD forbid a personal battle.
  There is hope, seeing the many survivors and hearing the names one cant help but to be filled with the possibility of a better tomorrow. Without the compassion and empathy of people there would be no hope. That is why my hat is off to the band of supporters that take there time and use there abilities to fight the good fight. To stand and say we can get through this, your not alone can only bring the sense of hope to those that directly suffer. Coupled with personal belief and faith cancer is seeing its fight.
  That is why i cant be more proud of the many UN-conditional efforts of the people that see this struggle and give there time, resource, passion and love to the common bond of our suffering.

 Sincerely from our family to yours,

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